Monday, May 29, 2006

Hans Christian Heg

"They are amongst the best and the bravest of our soldiers. Descendants of the sturdy vikings of medieval times, they have in the long lapse of years lost none of that daring valor, power of endurance, and remarkable coolness in times of excitement, which characterized their ancestors. Next to bravery, their most marked quality is calmness. Always cool and collected, they act with the same deliberation and forethought in the trying hours of danger as in the transactions of every-day life. Temperate and virtuous, obedient and well disciplined, they are in every respect model soldiers, and challenge the admiration and respect of all whose good fortune it is to mingle with them."

An immigrant of Norway, Hans Christian Heg lead the fabled Wisconsin 15th regiment in the Civil War. Know for their bravery and cunning, this group was made mainly of Scandinavian immigrants from Wisconsin and neighboring states.

Early on the morning of August 28, 1863, Colonel Heg lead the 15th into daring raid at the Battle of Chickimauga, being the first Union regiment to cross the Tennessee River. The group sustained heavy casualties including Colonel Heg.

The group sang a song as they went into battle - "I Shan't Forget The Day"

I shan't forget that day
When first I went away.
Me lassie dear she would not stay,
Of course she would not stay.
You cannot go along,
Through warfare, strife and throng.
But if they don't kill me, dear,
I shall return with song.
I would, was there no danger, Sis,
as lief remain with thee,
But all the girls of North, you see,
rely just now on me.

And therefore I will fight
The rebels left and right,
Hurrah, hurrah, hurrah!

Site - Infront of the Heg statue at the top of King St.

Challenge - Perform a daring raid

Media - Photo of Col. Heg


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