Wednesday, May 17, 2006

GLS AR game: design strategies

In the Greenbush AR game that Mingfong and I are doing, one of the ways we are getting the content into "game form" is by giving the students these sheets to fill out. They've done so much research on the neighborhood that they have too much info to put into the game. So we came up with this sheet as a way for them to filter what they have down into game-digestible chunks. They have the image of the neighborhood map (on present and one historical) as it will appear on the handheld, and a space for an image (photograph, video clip description, etc.) that will appear as a media item at the location, and some limited space for text. The text space is limited because we figured about 100 words per screen, and found that any more than 3 screens of text is too much to keep the players' attention.

Since we are a bit more technologically advanced (with the blog and all), I thought we might try the same sort of exercise. Grab a location (building, statue, etc.) describe or upload the media (picture, video, scanned document, etc.), and write up the challenge or "quest" for that location.

If we get 30, I think we've got enough for a good game. We can show our ideas to the rest of the committee tomorrow and hopefully they'll come up with a few more ideas -- and/or refine them.


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